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Spirituality | Don’t Over Complicate Spirituality

  Don’t Over Complicate Spirituality With a major shift that has recently taken place in our reality and the universe, many people are initiated to question many areas of their lives. Everybody living on planet earth now more than ever, want more of life but in a process that is much easier and more aligned to their true self. Spirituality is knowing the truth of self and walking and operating from a force so big and powerful, it is beyond what meets the human eye. It is comforting to know that more and more people are waking up, and are willing to take the first few steps towards knowing self. Because when everyone individually realises and takes the initiative to know self, that is when major developments can happen and therefore our collective consciousness can rise in peace, unity and love. Photo owned by Yamini Kuppili It is important to know that Spirituality and Religion are two different units. Yes, there are derivatives of religion when some concepts of spirituality are ex...

What is love? | What does it truly mean to fall in love?

What is love? | What does it truly mean to fall in love? 


The true meaning of love has diminished over the many years that humanity has existed. I say this because a lot people in this day in age, won’t be able to answer this very question (What is Love?). Through media, endless experiences faced by individuals, listening to your cultured relatives talk about their love stories with the many different complications - the true meaning of love has dissipated. Leaving us all confused, and actually not wanting to be any part of this falling in love saga. I mean we have all heard this term of “falling in love”, this very term limits the feeling of this energy all to together. Why can’t it be “rising in love” instead? It is so crazy that, many terms that we listen to on a regular tend to be so common for us, that no one bothers to question it. Let’s get our curious hats on, shall we? This was something I read I think on a Pinterest post, and made me think that my curiosity is not curious enough. The energy of love, is infinite it is genderless, non physical, non describable and doesn’t associate with anything. Love almost has its own portal, which if you are lucky enough you get an entry pass to it. I say this because, if I were to read what I just wrote as the Yamini who was in high school, I would not be able to comprehend the words above. But I got to enter this portal of love, and I truly believe that once you do experience this love thing - things will definitely change for you. The reason I felt compelled to release my words on this very topic is because, I feel that love is a very sacred thing and the interpretation of love has been contaminated. My hopes is that by expressing my words, you all can get to see a purer perspective on this beautiful feeling of love.

Photo Owned by Yamini Kuppili

Loving yourself 

Loving yourself, I believe is the core of falling in love. The stance that I am going to take, based on loving yourself is from a very spiritual stand point. Which to be honest is a very funny disclaimer, because we are spiritual beings having a human experience but anyway. We all see the world through the lens of our eyes, life at a bird’s eye view is perception based. These perceptions are birthed by us based on who we truly and authetically are. Loving yourself, can be a term that is very hard to understand. According to modern times, loving yourself is a physical action based approach, meaning that you get your nails done, go to the beach, take yourself on a date, get your hair done, get a massage, do yoga things like that. Although these things are very beneficial but they don’t hit the deep core in you. You find yourself, craving these things to then feel happy, content and loved. In order to truly embrace these physical action based approaches, you need to be happy first and love yourself first. Media has made love and the concept of love, repeatedly associating it with someone else which further limits the definition of love. And a limited version of love can never be love. The definition and expansion of love can only be through self. If you cannot know self, and love self nothing makes sense in love then. Your lens of love is murky and there is nothing really to offer apart from getting murk in return. The really question when it comes to loving yourself is, 

Who am I? 

In the most simplest words you are an infinite soul, that carries all the eternal wisdom and love. You are not your meat suit, and you are not all the labels and baggages you carry from your bloodline to your societal expectations. You are a soul, that shines the brightest of all the stars in the sky. Your soul cannot have flaws, and it knows exactly what love truly is. Your definition of loving yourself, should be visiting your soul every single time. To know who know who you are and what you have within you. Connection with self is what we are all looking for, and because we don’t realise that this is what we are looking for - Love is deemed as hard and impossible. 

It all comes to Who am I? 

All it takes is, to sit in a quiet room and close you eyes and observe the void and trance. No matter how much love we have received, or not received from our maternal and paternal life forms, we have fathered and mothered ourselves and we will continue to do so until our last breath. So if we haven’t given ourselves love, then getting and receiving love is impossible. The true intent of our being on this planet, is to understand that love is birthed from within and it must be expressed and felt by self first.

My experience with love 

When I fell in love for the first time in my life, I ran away from it in the fastest speed possible. So you could think about it in the terms of, if I was standing at a north coordinate I ran south and if I were to be in the west coordinate I rain east. I think you all get the point. At that very point in my life, I didn’t know it was love. A force of nature, so strong that you can feel your body vibrating. No, not in a sexual way but a feeling that I never felt before in my life. Basically I had entered the portal of love unaware. I grew up in a Indian household, and with most South Asian communities love isn’t shown openly and isn’t talked about. Also my parents had an arranged marriage, so the feelings of falling in love would obviously be foreign to them hence it wasn’t spoken about. As I mentioned before, in order to feel the very emotions of love you must know self. At the time of me stepping into this love portal completely unaware, I was in high school and it was clear that I didn’t know myself enough to recognise that I had fallen in love. Falling in love with a person, made me re-evaluate many different facets of my life. In one way I can say that, falling in love with a person made me fall in love with myself. It almost felt like this potent power of love, made my life clearer and what I wanted out of life become more comprehensible. This process of knowing that I had found love in high school, was not a quick process like the movies show. As I mentioned above, I ran away from it. I realised I had fallen in love when I was editing a video for my youtube channel at the age of 22. Yes it took me a lot of time to realise this feeling. Prior to this moment, many things happened in my life. There was a lot of soul seeking, travelling, moving out, facing health issues and just overall a lot of confusion. It always felt like, there was this unseen portion of me that was unaddressed. 

Keeping in touch with our femininity 

During the course of time and through many different generations, woman have always struggled with life. There was a lot of battles that woman in our bloodlines had to face and go through because of inequality. I believe that our ancestors reside within us, within our genetic  makeup and through this containment there are a lot downloads of their struggles and their wisdom. Which in many ways, we as woman feel threatened and we also feel the urge to make it right as an ode to the female in our bloodline. So it makes sense, for the women of this era to be more assertive and rigid with their choices, career trajectory and lifestyle. Woman these days, have tipped over to their masculine side leaving very little room for their feminine side. I was no different, I had idolised my father’s work ethic growing up. He projected a lot of pride, ego and authority based on what he did for work and how much money he brought home so that our family could survive. I wanted to do that so bad as a child, I wanted to play his character a step higher than him so bad. I felt like I didn’t even have a choice. So all that ran in my head was ambition and drive towards career. I never once asked my inner self, if this is what I wanted to do. 

It is important to understand the fundamental base of this entire planet, and that stems from the feminine power of mother earth. The Feminine energy stands for love, nurture, knowingness, divine creation, divine power, purity and manifestation. This divine energy stands as the nucleus of our whole life force. These days it has become normal for woman and men but especially woman to forget and put aside this divine power that we have inside of us. Talking about myself, I felt like stepping into my divine feminine power made me weak or in a state of submission. Which is purely false and so away from the definition of divine femininity. I wanted to dress more masculine and be and act more manly, I stopped wearing dresses and stopped caring about how I looked and I also chopped off all my hair. This had nothing to do with my sexual orientation or sexual preference But I was just activating my masculine energy more than my feminine. To be honest I wanted to kill my femininity all together to feel stronger and more in control. But this was so wrong of me to do. This planet and our human form cannot survive without our feminine side activated. The masculine side cannot survive without the divine feminine side. Our energies must always be balanced regardless of our gender. There is nothing wrong with having a job and being passionate about it. But when your energies towards work is tipping towards the hustle culture and not caring about your feminine needs regardless of your gender it can affect you, your health and people around you. Woman specially, have their monthly cycles and it becomes more important for woman to cater to their feminine needs. It is sad to witness woman pushing themselves too much just to proof their worth in this modern society. Even talking about myself, I thought I had to do that too, as I mentioned earlier about looking upto my father’s path of hustle and hardwork. I later understood that being a woman and not wanting to work is absolutely fine. I have now chosen a life, where I go extremely slow and connect with my spirit (the non physical side of me) and follow its divine directions. My number one priority has become to take care of myself and heal every layer of myself. Which I believe that even the time on earth is not enough. Actually this is what my soul wanted to do all along, and aligning to my home (soul) made me recover greatly from all the rigid mindsets that I had been forced to adapt. I now understand that my worth and my importance didn’t align with how much I worked or didn’t work but my overall mindset. Being a woman is a gift and choosing to activate and align with the  divine feminine side of you can be rewarding, comfortable and your path becomes crystal clear. 

With the world going through massive shifts, it is fulfilling to see more and more people awakening and adapting a life that suits them best. It has become more and more easier for people to leave their jobs happily and live a life where they can connect with themselves, take care of themselves and simultaneously make this world a better place. 

Love cannot be orchestrated 

The majority of people living in this planet, are living according to the matrix. A controlled system in place telling us how we should live life and talking our control in return of “safety”. So most things we want to do, already has a set in pathway. For example you want a job okay so the pathway of that is get a degree slog your body through endless years of studying and then you have a student loan for this degree then you apply to endless different companies to get a  job. And if you are lucky you get a job, that you most probably hate. And then you regret everything that you ever did and yeah. So you all get the idea of how everything in this modern world is mapped out. But have you ever thought that, if this is mapped out so perfectly why are people still miserable. Because there isn’t just one mapped out way to acquire what you want. And our minds have been forced to only think there is one way, forced by the system. Now we have to open our minds, and know intuitively that there are various ways to acquire what we want. 

There is always things that aren’t always visible to our human eyes that are helping us all the time. Basically ‘there is more than what meet the eye'. There are entities that are always helping us and we have given them names of all sorts, god, angels, ancestors, spirits and different religious gods. The reason we aren’t getting too much of their guidance or wisdom is because we have been forced to keep up with a rigid paradigm and mindset. Or it could also be that we didn’t believe that these entities exist. The reason why I mentioned all of this, is because just like we have been taught that jobs have a way of being acquired. We now have apps to find love and to date. I personally think love can never be orchetsrated. Love is a pure energy and must be felt within you. If you are open to finding love, know that it will come to you if you truly believe it. Don’t allow anyone or anything to force you to take a step into finding love. You are guided and love is something that is so pure that you would know straight away. Basically I am against dating apps or people telling you who the right person for you is, let’s move on. 

Love is the easiest thing 

As a collective society we have made love to be like the hardest thing because of societal expectations, when the essence of love is the most easiest thing to feel.I mean you were born with it, and our parents showered us with love even when we didn’t have any labels. The bottomline is that we are all worthy and deserving of giving love and receiving love period. Now, we put all these self imposed labels in for us like unless we get house, job, qualification then must we be capable of love. But these are all bullshit conditions we have put on for ourselves. There aren’t any conditions for love. And if there are conditions in place for love then it is not love. We tend to subconsciously and consciously put in these conditions in place for our significant others as well. According to me that stems from the lack of self-love and a lack of self-understanding. It all roots from self. 

My sincere hope is that maybe, through the expression of my words on love you are empowered to expand your heart and mind on the topic of love. Please know that love isn’t restrictive of anything, it is powerful and it is the very glue that sticks this planet together.

Thought and Written by 

Yamini Kuppili


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