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Spirituality | Don’t Over Complicate Spirituality

 Don’t Over Complicate Spirituality

With a major shift that has recently taken place in our reality and the universe, many people are initiated to question many areas of their lives. Everybody living on planet earth now more than ever, want more of life but in a process that is much easier and more aligned to their true self. Spirituality is knowing the truth of self and walking and operating from a force so big and powerful, it is beyond what meets the human eye. It is comforting to know that more and more people are waking up, and are willing to take the first few steps towards knowing self. Because when everyone individually realises and takes the initiative to know self, that is when major developments can happen and therefore our collective consciousness can rise in peace, unity and love.

Photo owned by Yamini Kuppili

It is important to know that Spirituality and Religion are two different units. Yes, there are derivatives of religion when some concepts of spirituality are explained but both are different units. We are all spiritual being but we are all not religious. Meaning that we can have discussions all day about religion and what denomination you choose to believe in . But we are all spiritual beings whether you agree with it or not. We are all spiritual beings, having a human experience. There is only one consciousness and everything emanates from this one consciousness. That consciousness is you and resides with you at all times. A consciousness that is so vast, powerful and infinite. Knowing yourself in the most simpler sense is, knowing that you are not this physical meat suit that coincides with your ego mind but that you are  infinite consciousness that is free, powerful and filled with love. Most of the process of knowing yourself involves you cutting cords with all of the limitations, societal expectations, titles, trauma and stubborn beliefs that you have held your whole life. And knowing that you are nothingness but everything and this universe.Obviously knowing this beautiful fact takes a while or few seconds (depending on your awareness) to completely realise this. And also I have defined it in a very simplified matter. 

The beauty and freeingness of knowing yourself and spirituality as a whole, is that is is whatever it means to you. Your journey and your perspective is what makes your unique self special and precious. The main reason I was compelled to write all my thoughts down today, is because there is endless amount of content and what I like to call spiritual toys (not my original idea) out there that makes people completely overwhelmed when it comes to knowing self. There is so much content on spirituality and all from different perspectives and they try selling you all sorts of things like courses, crystals, beads, candles and many other similar things. Don’t get me know wrong, all those things are cool and can offer benefits. But when they tell you that you NEED this in order to be awakened or know your path. That is what is wrong. Many comes up with rules and practices that must be followed, this is wrong too. You are the power and you have everything you need within you. 

An individual person goes through enough turmoil, when they decide to then step towards themselves and then they find 110 rules more to know self. I wouldn’t be surprised if people get all overwhelmed with not knowing where to start. Knowing self is a process of least effort I could even say no effort at all. That is the whole point of why people are choosing to step away from this matrix. You want to feel freedom, and these days people have made the spirituality space like a new matrix. Spirituality doesn’t have rules and you can never do things the wrong way. 

What if I told you that, you are perfect just the way that you are, and knowing this can actually get you more closer to your self more than the 1000 videos you watch on spirituality. The same inner voice that spoke to you, and gave you that intuitive nudge to wake up and take a step closer to yourself is the only voice you need during this process of self enlightenment. Of course, we live in the modern time where all the sources and tools of information are provided to us which we can use anytime if you feel struck. 

Let those answers come from within, give yourself grace and appreciation and those answers will come to you. And trust me the answers will be of full satisfaction. 

If I could share the one thing that helped me with my path of self discovery that would be sitting in silence in a space that is quiet and comfortable. And the rest shall come to you. Please know that in your path of discovery, you can never go wrong and whatever your intuition tells you is where the magic lies. 

Thought and Written by 

Yamini Kuppili


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