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Showing posts from January, 2017

Check out my most recent blog!

Spirituality | Don’t Over Complicate Spirituality

  Don’t Over Complicate Spirituality With a major shift that has recently taken place in our reality and the universe, many people are initiated to question many areas of their lives. Everybody living on planet earth now more than ever, want more of life but in a process that is much easier and more aligned to their true self. Spirituality is knowing the truth of self and walking and operating from a force so big and powerful, it is beyond what meets the human eye. It is comforting to know that more and more people are waking up, and are willing to take the first few steps towards knowing self. Because when everyone individually realises and takes the initiative to know self, that is when major developments can happen and therefore our collective consciousness can rise in peace, unity and love. Photo owned by Yamini Kuppili It is important to know that Spirituality and Religion are two different units. Yes, there are derivatives of religion when some concepts of spirituality are explai

Blog 10- Find it Within- Written and Thought by Yamini Rao Kuppili

Get it!?!?!- Blog 9- written and thought by Yamini Rao Kuppili

Blog 8- The 'G' Word- By Yamini Rao Kuppili

Learn and Pass it on Yourself- Blog 7- By Yamini Rao Kuppili

The truth is just a gesture away!! - Blog 6- by Yamini Rao Kuppili

I AM DISGUSTED- Blog 5- By Yamini Rao Kuppili

Having Company- Blog 4- By Yamini Rao Kuppili

2016 Coming to an End!!!- Blog 3- by Yamini Rao Kuppili

Keeping Idols- Blog 2 by Yamini Rao Kuppili

Appreciation- Blog 1 by Yamini Rao Kuppili